Last weekend ketchup. Accompanying the beautiful Lawrence artists-in-residence, I traveled into the big city of KC, crossing state lines to view/pass condescending judgment upon art.
My face expresses the homebrew I drank before leaving stomping around in my bladder.
Honestly, I go for the free gallery booze (which is getting less and less abundant each month). Yet, we were given the opportunity to taste this fine tequila by gracious hosts at Front Space.
Our trip's primary stop was to attend the solo show of our friend, the talented printmaker Lindsay Deifik aka Linzilla the Mighty (seen below).
People dig art, people dig prints.
Here I teach friends the intricacies of a good air guitar stance. Wisely, attention is withheld by all.
After Midnight, it became Akiko's birthday. How else to celebrate but with a Nutella-banana crêpe!
***No visual evidence, but sometime between Friday Night and Sunday Morning we attended the Lawrence Arts Center's 35th Anniversary Event. The food couldn't of been better and Free State Brewery donated their Golden State Wheat and Ad Astra Ale for our imbibing pleasure. Thank you LAC!
Sunday Morning we hosted a Bloody Mary Brunch to continue Akiko's b-day celebration.
I forgot how much fun piñatas can be, especially after a BM-er or two...
The party table multiplied as guests arrived, bringing more tasty dishes.
Finally, the whacking got underway. El pollo de colores era muy difícil y escurridizo.
Inside there was rubber body parts. Makes sense to me. Below is the candy man, what a sweet dude!
All that was left to do was replace our own organs with ones made from high fructose corn syrup.