Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chicago here we come!

Last week we visited Chicago with hopes of finding our next residence.  The drive was a little long- but not so bad. 

Pnut butter and apple sandwiches gave us our nourishment and kept us going. 

We stopped for some stretches and fun at Lake Springfield. I hadn't seen a real merry-go-round in quite a while!  
The lake was beautiful

this tree man wished luck on our journey

First glimpse of downtown Chicago- and  RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC!
Revolution Brewery in Logan Square. We sampled their brews and each chose a pint of our favorite.

Katie Holland wooohooo!

Caught a show across the street. pretty good.

Met up with Brian Beefcake and his sexy mustache at LockDown- a metal bar that had Slayer Live on the screens and delicious mac and cheese!
Snapped a pic of the BEEF MOBILE! awesome!

We ate delicious Dim Sum and Kimchee Fried Rice with Andrea Dubrofsky! and her friends. Our first BYOB experience at a restaurant.

Her landlord makes kitty gargoyles. 

The next morning we caught some good lovin' from brian and the pups. awwwwyea!

2br Garden Apartment in Logan Square